Roy was born to immigrants from Taiwan. His experience is vast as he lived throughout the United States. Roy studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland, worked as a Research Engineer at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, and with the CIA in the Office of Weapons and Technology and Proliferation.
Called to ministry, Roy graduated with his Masters Degree in Divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary. He served with the Christian and Missionary Alliance as the Lead Pastor at Seattle Chinese Alliance. Witnessing the number of needs for whole family care, Roy launched his own non-profit as the Executive Director of School Connect WA, bringing education aid, nutrition, and family care through relationships.
Roy serves on the Executive Board of the C&MA Northwest and is an activist in bringing wholeness and dignity to each individual
He serves in the Sojourner Team because he resonates with God's heart for the "alien, immigrant, and poor," and that true religion is to "care for orphans and widows and to keep oneself unstained by the world." ~ James 1:27