Refugee and Aslyee Short-Term Housing

The goal is to purchase/build a 50-100 unit apartment complex with a community center on site, build a community garden and playground with outdoor recreation area.

The apartments will provide 6-12 months of temporary housing for refugee, asylee or immigrant families. They will also provide housing for 1 on-site Director, at least 1 Resident, and at least 1 Intern. The mission teams and on-site staff will live with, and do life with the residents.  

The Community Center will include a large gathering area that will be divided into smaller spaces and would be used for fellowship, training, classes, and outreach.

On-site resources will include, but are not limited to: Language studies, U.S. cultural training, Bible studies, tutoring, and navigating other resettlement needs (i.e., education, jobs, driving, medical, currency, etc.)

The second phase of development will include food trucks with international cuisine, a coffee/tea house and an art studio with a retail store. These services will provide both jobs and job training for residents.